Saturday, June 19, 2021


KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA  AFS BAWANA celebrating NATIONAL READING DAY-READING WEEK from 19 JUNE-25 JUNE 2021. We are celebrating this week in the memory of  father of the Library movement in Kerala Sh. P N Panicker. Various activities will be conducting by the library of K V AFS Bawana.

19/06/2021- Reading Day Pledge
20/06/2021- Book Review or My Favourite Book
21/06/2021- Biography of any Author or Poet 
22/06/2021- Quiz on Books and Authors
23/06/2021- Book Cover page Design
24/06/2021- Importance of Books 
25/05/2021- (DEAR) Drop Everything and Read

So, everyone it's time for Reading Week . Pick up books of your choice and enjoy reading.
Pls submit your entries before 30/06/2021. You can submit Your Entries on Google classroom or through email: Best Entries will be awarded with certificates and Prizes after reopening of school for students.